Friday, July 12, 2019

Hollings Cancer Center Earns Renewal from National Cancer Institute

The clinical site coordinator for NAPA Research in Boca Raton, Florida, Naval Parikh, MD, is an internal medicine physician who has the distinction of being named among the country’s Top Physicians by the Consumers’ Research Council of America. Dr. Naval Parikh earned his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), where he also gained research experience that helped lay the foundation for his career. 

MUSC’s Hollings Cancer Center recently celebrated the renewal of its designation as a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center, which comes with more than $10 million in funding to support its research efforts. With each designation period lasting five years, the NCI distinction is based on leadership, vision, outstanding facilities, research commitment, and community outreach.

The only NCI-designated cancer center in South Carolina, Hollings is one of just 70 cancer centers in the country to earn this prestigious status. Since its last NCI renewal, Hollings has achieved multiple impressive milestones, including opening nearly 400 cancer-related research studies, expanding mobile health van cancer screening services, and winning 138 peer-reviewed research project awards.